Monthly Archives: November 2011

Daniel Reveles at the Diana


Hello again! I thought you would like to join me at the Diana today. As usual, there’s music and alegria. I’ve never met the gentleman on my left but he seemed friendly enough – and he insisted on picking up the tab!


November 20, 2011 · 12:54 am

Bar Diana, a Tecate Landmark

Back in l957 Tecate still had more horses than people. We only had two banks, one gas station, and you could park your car (or hitch your horse) anywhere. But we lacked a wholesome venue where nice people and good friends could gather over a cup of cheer. That summer Don Raul Mateus opened the doors of the Bar Diana. The name was inspired by the life size bronze sculpture of the deity of the hunt aiming her arrow from atop the fountain in the patio of the bar. The Diana quickly became the social epicenter of Tecate where casual meetings blossomed into lifelong friendships. It was here in the Diana that the happy news of the new baby or the passing of an old friend was shared with a warm abrazo. Couples have even chosen the Diana to exchange the vows of matrimony.

A lot has happened over fifty years. One dark and rainy night in 1974 the bronze Diana was abducted. The statue was never seen again. Who stole her away in the night? Is she sequestered in some politico’s basement? Was she put in a car and driven to the Other Side? No one knows. There are lots of theories but the disappearance of the Diana remains an undisclosed mystery.

Today the Bar Diana is a venerable landmark, a legend famous over much of the world. You might touch glasses and say “salud” to a visitor from England, Germany, Russia, South Africa or Kansas City, a local ranchero or the mayor.

And now, Carlos, son of Don Raul invites you to visit us and experience a little of Tecate’s hospitality and alegria!

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Many people have noticed some writing near the epicenter of the sexy ceramic coffee mugs in the plaza scene and asked for clarification. The line is from all Tecate Beer advertising…AVOID EXCESS.


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Eavesdropping in the plaza.

I was sitting on a shady bench just the other day listening to two young women on the bench behind me. They were nibbling from a little bag of warm churros watching their young children playing, jumping rope, chasing the pigeons, running up and down the stairs to the kiosko.

“You know, it’s really quite remarkable.”

“What’s remarkable?”

“You and Alfredo are so homely and yet your children are beautiful. Why do you suppose that it?”

“You know, I’ve never really understood it. It’s all in the genes, they say. You’re a beautiful woman and Hector is the most handsome man in Tecate – and your children are so ugly. Go figure.”


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More thanks

Un millon de gracias to Andrea West in Dallas for getting these photos on the screen and hours of on-the-phone training to acquaint me with all the right moves to accomplish this myself in future. A frosty margarita is waiting for you at the Diana.

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A little stroll around the plaza.

Buenos dear friends and readers. I thought I would take you for a brief stroll around the plaza. Music is always in the air. The delicious smell of meat and onions browning over mezquite coals waken the wolf in your stomach. The stalls offer trinkets, paper flowers, clothing, sombreros and hats and ceramic ware for all tastes.


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